Join us for Kirtan
What is kirtan?
Kirtan comes from the practice of Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion, an ancient path of yoga originating in India.
What is “call and response?”
One of us space holders will sing something, and you are invited to sing it back.
And, you don’t have to. You could sit and enjoy the music, and/or get up and dance if you’re feeling it.
What will be singing?
Mantras. Words and syllables that hold sacred meaning and wisdom in Sanskrit, Ewe, or English. Don’t worry! The phrases are accessible and are repeated many times until we get the flow of it. As the energy rises, we root creating a harmonic choir together. High vibrational sounds infuse your body and mind with more life force. The dopamine gets flowing, the nervous system is guided to harmonize, generating opportunity for deep healing, ease of stress, and release of emotions. And FUN! All supported by rhythm.
But what if I can’t
sing or dance?
“But what if I can’t sing or dance?”…first of all, like Marcelle says, “if you can talk you can sing, if you can walk you can dance”. Also, it doesn’t matter. Truly. You do not need to be a professional musician or dancer to join in and receive the benefits of this active form of meditation. Kirtan is about being uplifted in community. The music and singing is loud enough that you can sing and feel supported. It’s like we become one radiant voice together. The signature sound of your own voice vibrating through your cells from within is a powerful sound healing instrument.
Join us for kirtan
Check our schedule for upcoming kirtan events.